Despite the difficult economic situation in Lebanon and the region, opportunities for joint partnerships with Lebanese and foreign investors worldwide still exist:
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Local Market
As the economic and financial situation for the various local businesses becomes more difficult, the option of sustainability renders itself impossible without external support for a large number of SMEs.
As such, many investors looking to diverge their portfolios will find a shared opportunity in investing in such businesses, while at the same time providing them with a rescue plan that will allow them to continue their operations.
The cooperation opportunities can be in the form of mergers, acquisitions, capital injections, external partnerships for export support, or any other based on the synergies and cost reductions possible.
– Plays a major role in economic growth support and in meeting key development targets;
– Allows for more equitable access to the labor market thus increasing labor productivity, and further stimulating economic growth.
Therefore, a number of indirect multiplier effects will be achieved through investments in infrastructure.
- The Results of Cedre Conference – April 6
Cedre Conference held in Paris has allocated 11.8 Billion dollars for such investments, which remain on hold due to the current situation but remain a promising potential in case they are implemented.
A lot of opportunities and projects are going to be readily available for the Lebanese investors once this program is back in the picture. (List of Cedre Projects)
For more details on the capital investment Program please Click Here
- Private Public Partnership Decree
Public-private partnerships (PPP) have proved worldwide to support in the development of long-term infrastructure projects. Under PPP, the government focuses on the regulations, while the private sector provides the major funds and expertise to develop projects which will ultimately benefit the government the public.
The enactment of Law No. 48 on September 7, 2017 related to the implementation of PPPs in Lebanon will allow for the private sector to take part in major projects otherwise
were purely governmental, with the new procedures that are characterized by transparency, competitiveness, and clear accountability standards.
For more details on the List of PPP projects please Click Here
Oil and Gas Sector in Lebanon
The prospective natural resources that are yet to be discovered offshore the Lebanese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) open the way for a new industries to exist in Lebanon for both the onshore and offshore services needed to support it.
The major pillars of resource management on which the prospective petroleum sector will build turn around five integrated principles, namely providing energy security from access to indigenous gas resources, prudent production, long term investments and export opportunities, value creation within and across generations, and upholding good governance and transparency.
For a useful presentation by Lebanese Petroleum Organization on the Energy Sector in Lebanon Please Click Here
Other possible investments in the Electricity Sector – The Renewables
Wind PowerLebanon signed its first-ever power purchase agreement (PPA) for wind energy with three separate consortiums that will build and operate wind farms in Akkar, in the north of the country for a total generation capacity of 180 MW.
Solar Power
Lebanon’s Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) has issued an expression of interest for the tender involving the construction of 300 MW of solar PV plants combined with storage systems.